Poker Tips

When it comes to Poker, we've been there, done that, now serving 107 tips in 12 categories ranging from Downloading Poker Software to Poker Supplies.

What is the world championship of poker?

World Championships of Poker

Want to try your poker skills against the best of the best? Then go to the annual World Championship of Poker in Las Vegas!

You won't find more games available to you anywhere else in the world, and even if you have limited or no experience playing tournament poker you can still improve by playing lower stakes side tables and watching how the better players play their hands. Plus there are tons of talented players around with whom to discuss strategy and approach.

Because its Vegas, there are also good travel deals available, so regardless of how much money you're going to leave on the table, you can be assured that you won't leave that much with the airlines or hotels.

How can I find out if I played a hand the right way?

Get Free Advice on Poker

Wondering whether you played that last big hand of poker the right way? You can ask other poker aficionados online and get some very insightful responses to your poker queries.

Simply log into a public forum, such as, find the appropriate discussion topic in which to post your situation or question, post, and wait for responses. This is considered the best way to get your poker questions answered and strategies analyzed in the industry, as even the pros can be found answering questions and posting to the forums.

How can I practice my poker skills?

Practice Makes Perfect

Tired of losing your shirt at your friends' weekly poker match? Then you need to practice up!

The easiest way to improve your poker skills is through practice, and the most convenient way to practice in the 21st century is online. Any time of the day or night you can log in, play low stakes poker (though still with real money), and even chat with other players at the table and ask for advice on hands that you may have misplayed.

Though a great way to get some practice in during the week, you should be warned that online poker can be very addictive for some people, and gambling support groups have seen a surge in online poker addicts in recent years.

Is there a good system to use in poker?

Super System

If you're looking to improve your poker performance, then you should look to the best of the best for advice, and though many champions of poker have written tip guides of varying quality, Doyle Brunson's Super System is considered to be the most comprehensive and influential book in the history of poker.

Brunson explains the pros and cons of various strategies, points out need-to-know statistics, and covers today's most popular games, including Texas Hold ‘Em and seven card stud. Once you read up on the strategies employed by poker's greats, be sure to bring your new-found knowledge to the table. At the end of the day, there is no substitute for practice.

How do I choose a table at which to play poker?

Know How to Pick ‘Em

So, you're ready to settle down, play some poker, and win some dough…now what? Well, you better decide on a table at which to sit down for starters. If you're new to the game, picking a table might be tricky; here are a few pointers to help you make a more educated decision:

  • Pick a table with less skilled players than you.
  • If you find yourself seated at a table where the competition is to stiff, move on to a new table—you're not obligated to stay anywhere.
  • If you find that your attention span is dwindling and you are continually making poor decisions, you are probably not only at a bad table but not on top of your game—finish up and call it a night.
  • If you've invested a good bit of time in a table (over an hour) and haven't won a round, move on, honey.

Should I play in every round of poker?

Sometimes You Should Keep Your Hands to Yourself

A common mistake that beginners make when playing poker is to play way too many hands from the get-go. It's easy to get lost in the thrill of the game and attempt to be in on every round. Realistically speaking, however, this isn't the best idea.

When starting out it's smarter not to depend on luck. In other words, stick to the high hands that are more of a sure bet. In fact, statistics show that leading players only play between 20-30% of their beginning hands. Additionally, when you're an outsider you can watch a game with a clear mind because you won't have anything invested in it.

If you're no longer in on a round sit back and observe—this is a great time to learn a thing or two. Take note of what the winners and the losers do and, if you gather enough information, you may get a leg up on your opponents in later rounds.

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